{The End} Of Summer Days...

A resolution to start...now...with summer coming to a close and the school year starting...my resolution to get through another year of juggling work, kids and homework, busier schedules...
{via simply pix}

Those lazy beach days with the kids will stay just a little longer as the lovely weather permits...

I resolve to try a cupcake such as this as a reminder of summer days...

{via simply pix}

Lovely shells in a bowl at the studio {reminder of summer}...
Have a fabulous day!


  1. That all sounds so lovely Michelle!! I secretly love this time of year, because of the clothes...you can really feel the change in the air here.


  2. Michelle,

    I love these last days of summer although it's bitter sweet change is good. September has always been the beginning of the new year for me. School starts, next my birthday month in October, Thanksgiving in November and of course Christmas in December.

    Blogging gives us a chance to highlight and slow the flow down by sharing perspectives on things. Love it all.

