Recently I was contacting a few of my blogging friends (many of you know these women too) who have lost their mothers, I was letting them know how saddened I am by their loss, these women remain so strong, they have beautiful things to say, we all as mothers hope that when we leave this place that our children will feel this way, to say such beautiful words...My prayers are still with you during this time. And with that said, I remind all of us, not just on Mother's Day, but always, remember how precious a gift it is to be a mom and to have a mom. Here are photos of my mom, I always thought she was so beautiful with her dark hair and beautiful skin (fabulous eyebrows too!) She is smart, a journalist and studied to be a lawyer, she was an editor and wrote daily columns on entertaining and cooking, (she is the best cook and baker!) I remember her dragging me to celebrities homes for photo shoots. She seems to know the answer for most anything...and to top it off, when I was about 3 years old, she was Ms. Colleen on the television show Romper Room! Some of you may remember seeing her on that show! Well anyhow, everyday we should celebrate having a mother and being one too! xo- Michelle

What a wonderful post about your Mom. We do appreciate what they do, how they taught us, and what habits and body language we inherit from them. Gestures we use, voice tone, giggle as well as eye, hair and skin tone. It's all
there when you stop and think about it.
Thank you for your thoughts, words, and prayers re: my Mom's passing. Since Sunday my Father-in-Law passed and my brother-in-law's Mom passed as well. You have to remain strong to carry on. Blessings!
Thank You!
What a beautiful tribute, Michelle! Your mom sounds like an amazing woman. Have a great weekend!
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